A new field being introduced is Information Protection and Control (IPC), in the security market, is focusing on complying with privacy law enforcement policies and protecting sensitive data. Security companies that pioneered the concept of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) took over the IPC market in the second half of this decade. Thus, for the prevention of unauthorized delivery of sensitive corporate information, there are solutions that are being designed.
As discussed earlier Cloud computing with exciting market prospects, has a number of potential risks and safety issues to the cloud services users. The latest research progress is in the field of cloud security (Wu et al., 2011). Finally, trusted cloud computing as another research field is pointed out and is there to integrate with cloud computing.
Trust in cloud data center is based on several core concepts:
- Security: Factors include; data theft, eves dropping, user authentication, and resource access control, encryption, and incident detection.
- Control: Control comes when enterprise knows how to directly manage, where, and by whom data and applications are deployed and used.
- Compliance and Service-Level Management: The concept refers to contracting and enforcement of Service-Level Agreements(SLA)between variety of parties, and conformance with regulatory, legal, and general industry standards
For business communities on web trust is the backbone. Businesses are reluctant to accept cloud computing platforms for their businesses as trust and security isn’t fully implemented yet.
Identity Matrix (IMx) solution is proposed enhancing the present Architectural Framework for Trusted Cloud Computing (AFTCC). It suggests adding a module in the present architecture of cloud computing for biometric identification at user level. Any user who is logging into cloud has to verify his identity through biometric check – thumb impression would be the best option for the time being. Then the details user enters against his impression should be verified by online Identity Card (IC) issuing authorities on international level with respect to the respective country the individual belongs. Biometric device would be built-in in any future electronic device that can be connected to internet.